Sunshine State


Sonar Search Team

Our Solved Cases

Solving a missing person case confirms that a tragedy has in fact occurred. While we cannot remove the pain and loss these families have suffered, our hope is that by closing these cases and bringing loved ones home to rest, we can help provide peace and healing for their families.

Geovanny Paredes

Found February 21st 2025
Missing 2 Years

Yekaterina Belaya

Found December 20th 2024
Missing 10 Years

Charles & Catherine Romer

Found November 22nd 2024
Missing 44 Years

Caren & Doris Wurst

Found August 10th 2024
Missing 50 Years

Bernie Novick

Found August 10th 2024
Missing 20 Years

Eduardo Graterol

Found July 30th 2024
Missing 6 Years

Kareem Demarzo Tisdale

Found January 6th 2024
Missing 19 Years

Maureen Sherman

Found January 5th 2024
Missing 38 Years

Sandra Lemire

Found December 30th 2023
Missing 12 Years

Hiram Martinez

Found September 9th 2023
Missing 31 Years

Sarah Dreyer

Found April 19th 2023
Missing 2 Weeks

Robert Helphrey

Found April 13th 2023
Missing 17 Years

Robert Heikka

Found April 8th 2023
Missing 3 Years

Karen Moore

Found January 6th 2023
Missing 22 Years

Sonar Imagery

Our Mission

Sunshine State Sonar's mission is to find missing persons, vehicles or vessels believed to be in waterways. We provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in the recovery and preservation of evidence. We use the utmost discretion and confidentiality when working with Law Enforcement Agencies and with families. All activities are conducted with the approval of such agencies and under their purview.

Sonar works by sending pulses of sound waves out into the water and recording the waves that bounce back to create an image. A new type of imaging technique, one that works in a similar way to an MRI scanner at a hospital. This advanced technology is finally becoming affordable enough to put into portable devices. The advancement of the sonar technology has been driven by the fishing industry. Good sonar images let anglers know where to find big fish but its the level of sophistication that is making it attractive to law enforcement agencies and search and rescue.

Down imaging sonar uses high frequency, thin sonar waves to produce an incredibly detailed picture of what is beneath your vessel. The high frequency waves are what enable you to have a snapshot of what is beneath you in unreal detail. Side imaging sonar operates in a similar manner, except out to the side of your vessel. Some units give you the option of using several different beams of different frequencies that go out farther than the last beam from your vessel, giving you the maximum range and a veritable sonar net around your vessel. It's worth noting that these sonar types come under a variety of names: DownVU, SideScan, SI DV, etc.

Meet Our Team

This our amazing team that volunteers countless hours on our mission. This is an extremely talented group of individuals specializing in sonar technology, search and recovery, diving, GPS satellite mapping and missing person case research.

Mike Sullivan
John Martin
Shelly Ranae
Juan Andres
Brianna Shook
Demetrius Dixon
Johanna Sullivan
Aaron Ansley

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